Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We trade cars and livestock

Why is it acceptable to trade/sell livestock like we were updating our transportation? Okay maybe there was a time where a basket of eggs traded for a sack of flour and i am pretty sure a horse could of fetched a wagon train of the stuff but come on, we are not living in this part of the world during those kind of times any more.. or are we?

Craig list ad reads: small 1 year old pot bellie pig male trade for other farm animal e-mail me thanks

Ummm does any one have a couple of good cats for a very large dog? Or maybe he will take a couple of small chickens for the pig. I mean after all there only chickens, why should any one concern themselves about where this trade will bring them. Well i for one wouldn't give him a toy stuffed animal to play with for a while then traded off down the road for something else. And from my side of this country road all life has equal value and crap i wish people would think for one second- what if it were me...

I am sick about this pig, will let you know what happens..


Colleen said...

Quote "And from my side of this country road all life has equal value and crap i wish people would think for one second- what if it were me..."

Nuff said.

At least it should be!

Janice Gillett said...

Well i didnt' get an email back from the Craig list ...sigh