Moving a mound of tree chips by wheel barrow for a week is a good work out so why am i still fat? And then ending that with a call from my realtor for a showing of the place pushed me into over drive. Ten hours of clean this house, wash floors, windows , oil furniture and throwing everything else into the back of my truck until after. Then add scouting around a house with a sign out front "free stuff" after feeding everyone , what am i nuts? My 86 year old mother was my accomplice as we went by flash light and grabbed a nice roll of carpet for Penny and some garden tools. Two white washed oak night tables landed in the back of my truck and we called it quits when i saw a load of fresh Bear droppings, OK we are outta here! And my truck is filled up again.
The following day i was sick i was so tired and it really took two days to get over working that hard in the heat. So the rain was refreshing and i was feeling better by yesterday until dinner time.
Tuskers did not come out of his house when i went to feed dinner last night. I lifted up the flap fearing the worse as Cassandra and Danny were ready for diner but Tuskers was not in the house. I normally feed about 7 when its cooler out so I called and called him while i fed to quiet the others. He didn't come , in fact there was no sign of him. A quick blast out the back , checking the horse stalls, my neighbors and at a quick pace around the acreage and back to see if he beat me back using an alternate route but there was still no sign of him. Okay back out i go with wire cutters in my hand as i remembered this pig got caught up in a wire fence i once had years ago and simply sat there without making a sound until i got to him. This boy sports some fine looking tusks and he must be hung up somewhere and i have to find him before the bears do. You don;t realize how much bush and land there is on two rural acres until your running the fence line.
In disbelief of him getting out some how i still also covered three two acre properties north of me and the one behind me. None of my neighbors seem to now i have 39 pigs here LOL It is black out now i am panicking and with no help coming i end up back at the house checking for him and know i simply have got to go back out there and do it all over again. My mind is reeling with back up scenario's if no one comes to help!! If i still can;t find him ???? I will sit out side in the middle of the property until i hear him cry out if something attacks him and then race against time to save him. I am the queen of "what ifs" and becoming Calamity Jan.
I met up with him at the barn , i have no idea where he had been but he was limping as we both went home. But his bed mates and him eagerly awaited the refilling of there feed bowls and i left them all at 11;00 after a really good work out , exhausted again.
3 1/2 hours at a fast trot with the added calorie burning worrying and i am still fat.
Hi Janice,
Thanks for saying we could move mountains. I almost cried reading that.
It looks like you've been busy yourself!
I love the photo. Your piggy is looking straight at the camera, all "aren't I beautiful??"
You replied to this on my blog but I have never been so in "awe" of anyone for a very long time.
You have effected me and now my blog is a mix of ranting about pigs are pets too and disgusting animal factories. And my signature includes "keep Pork off your Fork" , this is because of your influence.
I'm in your corner girl freind!!
Can we move mountains , oh yes we can!
You must have been so scared with Tuskers missing! I'm glad you found him and I hope his limp isn't anything too serious.
Was I ever scared!!! And i can see nothing the matter with him, no swelling, blood, heat, naata. So i can only assume a sprain and a wait and see.
if he could only talk. 39 pigs! omg!
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