Its been a month since i got laid off and it also marks two years since we were flooded. And I will take cool weather with sunny periods and light snow over torrential rain like we are normally dealing with this time of year.
The newsletters are done , with our Thanks You's and the receipt so hopefully everyone will receive them in the mail okay as we really stuffed the envelope haha this time.
Wyatt returned to his herd with a cost . Pigs although his family and being who they are hadn't been with him for a month and it is no doubt his smell would be different and they will not recognise him right away. Having slept on fleecy scented blankets and filling his little self with an assortment of life saving treatments will be hard on him still. The night before the big day i took out some of his blankets and tossed them into his families home to sensitize them to his new smell. He was so happy to be out and about but returned to my house several hours later with the tell tale wounds of a scuffle. I told him we would try and again tomorrow , that i was sorry he had to go threw this now. Day two when i put him in the paddock they live and closed the gate while the others had gone to bed he stood at the fence line looking for me. Cute little button i wanted to bring him back in but i had let out a bigger herd and no way could i get him past them all without the entire bunch wanting in the house too. Doing what i must do as a rescue and sanctuary operator i set aside my pet loving heart and told him he would have to push his way back into his house as this is where he belonged. ;o(( And the little mite did and although he is back with his family, his mother and litter mates i want to cry.
I haven't been on much here lately as i have spent quite a few nights sorting threw emails from pig loving families. I have a little extra time now and am not so rushed when answering the bazillion questions and my response's of quality care for these guys is a ton more detailed. And it is my hopes and prayers i have helped a few pigs this week and in trust that these caregivers listen to 15 years of experience and the learned teachings of those sanctuary directors from all over the world who both share our medical advice daily on here.
We had a short Celebration of Life for Peppermint Patty and Rocket yesterday. A ritual i started with a good friend many years ago. We hung two new bird feeders and will plant the orchids Mom brought as soon as it warms up. And in there honor and in turn each of us took a handful of seed and filled the feeders.
My foster Mom will be relocating in May so we must be ready to bring in 12 more. Time goes so fast and although we put ads in the paper, put posters up all over we were unsuccessful in finding great homes for any of them. Working full time with limited hours on our week-ends and one thing after another our babies are well over a 1 year old now. This herd has bonded strongly as they do and soft hearts prevent us from separating them now. However the reality of it is I will be able to do no more ...... God give me strength and are there any good homes out there??
Well my kitchen looks like a cyclone hit it and Buddy and i are hungry now! Out to give meds one more time and make sure Penny is tucked in and another day gets away from us.
Oh Wyatt, I would prefer to live in the comfy house with the fleecy smelling blankies and yummy treats too.....but your herd needs you and you need them, so please make the transition smoothly.
Janice, I feel so guilty about moving away and having to upset Scotch and Soda and the pigsters, as well as burdening you with yet more work. We knew this day would come, one way or another, but we both hoped the perfect forever homes would emerge for these sweet piggies. In a perfect world, that could still happen - but now we need a family willing to take all twelve and give them the care and lovings that are rightfully theirs. They are all great, great piggies and saying goodbye to them will break my heart.
All of the pigs would prefer to be in the big house as they do love our company never mind the good food in here.
My search when I sell will have a huge structure on it that will allow me to join them for a cuddle on these long winter days.
Jean you sacrificed so much when i asked if you could look after two pigs that day. Who would of known Soda was packing a full house. And it is beyond me why the question to the SPCA at the time was never asked if they would spay and neuter them before we agreed to take them in. Did i not have my coffee that day??? But all of this is irrelevant now as it is all part of Gods plan for where ever our path leads us now. The SPCA was there and we are thankful they see them as companion animals, sentient beings who all deserve to live life the best we can give them and got them out of there. Maybe Soda had a few litters there with no chance of survival with how they were housed. And i wonder if it is all those little souls who returned to us that night so we could give them their right to life as He intended.
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